I was looking through my phone today and I decided that I needed to offload some of the pictures to my computer. Below are some of them that I thought were of interest.

This image was taken during one of the late nights up on the 4th floor of MGH. I was working on the writeup for our INFO 340 History Places project.

Just me at my PC back when I lived at Nordheim Court.

Jamie being bored when we were moving into the condo. She forgot her phone so I lent her mine and this was one of many images that were taken out of sheer bordem. Rightfully called “silly jamie”.

You all by now know that Jamie had an accident. This is the scar that is left over from the stiches. Pretty hot if you ask me.

This is a picture of the bus we beat back from Fourth of Jul-Ivar’s.

Yeah, pre Clapton stage goodness.

Yeah, it was amazing. Anoter picture, but this time during the concert.

Sunset while at the Forth of Jul-Ivar’s celebration by Pier 70.

Jules, the person living in your room now has a window A/C unit.