Tonight was pretty fun. Jamie and I had a double date with Stephen and Wendy. I mainly wanted to see Wendy before she left for DC to take her job, but it is always good times to see Stephen. The night was pretty eventful. Fooding then gaming for a balanced evening of goodness.
First, we headed to the international district for dinner at Malay Satay Hut. We ordered a variety of dishes for dinner and we just sat, joked, and talked all through out dinner. The food was pretty good. Eating intestine is not something that I would do every day, but hey. I mean, it got to the point where we were trying to convince Wendy that our mints were better than her Black Rice Pudding. I don’t think it really worked.
Then it was back to Stephen’s place for some 20th Anniversary Trivial Pursuit. We played as couples and the team of Stephen and Wendy took a commanding lead early in the game. However, Jamie and I made a comeback late in the game when they got stuck getting the last question right to secure the win. After a few rounds of both teams trying to get the last question right one team finally secured the win. We produced the correct answer to take away the win from them, which was very close to their reach. Jamie was simply excited when we just got one part of the pie in our piece. So, when it was all over she made some designs (if even possible) in the different colored pies. Yeah… she had fun doing it, so that’s what counts.
Anywho… it was a good night. It was also good to see them both since I don’t get the chance to see them very much. I don’t see such festive nights like this happening for the rest of this week, or even for some time. Oh, well… And contrary to what is common for events like this, there are no digital pictures. I drew one instead.

Us in action at the Trivial Pursuit table