Yesterday Anthony, Jules, Jamie, and I went to Golden Gardens Park to screw around and enjoy the day since our plans for Mt. Rainier fell though. It was a really nice day out and it was great to be on the beach. I took plenty of pictures and I’ll share a few of them with you to give you an idea on what we did on our day at the beach.

It was really nice out and there were lots of sailboats out on the water. Kinda made me wish I was out there sailing too.
Jamie is an expert at making the rounded figures out of sand. Her and Jules mad a quite stellar sand turtle.
I just took this photo while messing w/ the settings on my camera, turned out pretty cool I think.
Again, me messing with the macro setting on my camera. That is Trotter in the background.
On our way out we saw this guy feeding the ducks and they were going crazy, I kept trying to get a close shot of one duck and I think I got it with this picture.
Nice shot of the water.
All in all it was a good day that ended in eating Chinese buffet and watching Hidalgo. Now it is onto the last full week of break before school starts.