Well, due the fact that I can’t think of something more original to blog, I am going to blog about the recent happenings in my job search.
As of today there are three options still open on the table: Google, Avanade, and Safeco. I heard back from Safeco and I was invited back for a second, all day interview, in a week and a half. This should be pretty cool, despite the creepy fact that they called me at work to ask if I could do it on another day.
My information has been passed on at Google, but I really don’t know what that means. So, I’ll have to wait and see about that. I think it would be really exciting to work for them. But, best not to get ahead of myself.
However, the most recent news comes from Avanade.
Today I received my phone call about whether or not I made it on to the next round of interviews. I was prepared for a no this time around, but that didn’t happen. When I was talking to the representative from Avanade she was explaining to me on how they felt I was very strong in the consulting aspect, but not so much in the area of technology (speficicaly Microsoft). So, this ruled me out of the Solution Developer position that I was applying for. But, there is a very silver lining.
Instead, they asked me if I would be interested in moving forward in the process within the scope of being a Program Manager. I was stunned. Seriously. But, I said yes. This is what I was looking for years down the line in a career path, but not right out of school. Needless to say I’m pretty excited. I still need to schedule the follow up interview at their office downtown, but it looks like it will be this Friday.