Vacation to SFO: Day 3

Alcatraz Well, I was trying to go three for three in the days to get out my writing about our vacation, but the weekend happened and I got a little lazy. But, here’s the recap from our last day.

As I mentioned in my log of our first day, today was really only one thing, Alcatraz. It really worked out that way since our flight was that night and our tour ferry was at 12:15pm. So, we basically planned to spend the whole cday at the wharf and on Alcatraz. This was fine with me since the weather was the best of any of the days that we were going to be there, so why not spend it on the water? Continue reading “Vacation to SFO: Day 3”

Vacation to SFO: Day 2

Flag in the BreezeWaking up on Saturday morning in San Francisco, we had hoped that the weather would have turned for the better, even if the weatherman says otherwise. Opening the blinds to look outside gave us a false hope, there was sun out! As we scurried to make it out before it vanished, we just so happened to make it out in time for a pretty impressive five minute downpour. Yea, it was sweet. So, there we are, fresh off of our first bus and making our way to the next when it just pours out of nowhere. Having been soaked in the first 10 seconds of it, I get out my umbrella to fend off any other wetness that is falling from the sky. Then, we reach our bus stop and wait under an overhang with what had to be three dozen Asians and me, the lone white guy. Continue reading “Vacation to SFO: Day 2”

Vacation to SFO: Day 1

CRW_6524 Well, Jamie and I are back from our weekend vacation to San Francisco. You may not have known that we left in the first place, but we did! It’s the first vacation that I’ve really taken since I was hired at Avanade, but it was nice to get away from work, if it only meant taking one day off. The trip was not exactly what I expected, but I really enjoyed it, despite our hotel selection, immature middle/high school students, and rain the first two days. Continue reading “Vacation to SFO: Day 1”

Happy New Year!

Last year was one of big change for me as I predicted last year. I graduated from UW with a B.S. in Informatics and enjoyed the ceremonies in June. I looked for a job. I was hired by Avanade in their Delivery Management Practice. I turned 23. I saw the Dave Matthews Band at The Gorge. I went to Vegas for the first time. I went to Canon Beach for the first time. I got my first car. I got a new camera and a new lens. Lastly, but definatly not least, I made some great friendships and am still surrounded by great friends and family.

Now, I’m not one for making predictions, but I think that this year will be a year of opportunity and there will be challenges along the way. However, through it all, friends will be there and I will still be connected to them, more then ever.

So, with that, I wish you all a happy and prosperous 2006!

A Very INFO Christmas 2005

Group Shot Last night was the 2nd annual “A Very INFO Christmas”. I was a little concerned about the turnout. Not that people wouldn’t show up, but that I couldn’t fit them all. But, I somehow managed to fit 17 people into my place and feed them all dinner, with the help of Jamie and those who offered up pot luck dishes (thanks!).

Needless to say, it was good times and I’m glad that so many people turned out. But, I have to say that the best part of the night was probably the white elephant gift exchange, just because of the randomness and types of gifts brought by people. But, overall, it was a really fun night and I hope that those who attended had fun as well.

If you were there last night, you know I took some photos. I’ve put them in a set as well and tagged all of them with “INFO Christmas 2005”. Also, I realize some of the colors in the pictures look less than flattering, but I’m working on it.

Yes, we’re that cool

Yes, we're that coolThis is Jamie and myself taking self portraits of ourselves before we headed out for the night to the Atlas Holiday Party. There are many more shots on Flickr, so ya check ’em out.

But, now that the party is over, it was a good time. Got to meet her co-workers and their SO‘s. A good time was had by all. We played craps, roulette, blackjack, and poker. We also drank a bit and had some dinner in there as well. Needless to say it was a jam packed four hours.

Next event: A wedding next Saturday.

Wine Tasting

Last night Stephanie and Sara had people over to their place in Capitol Hill for a little wine tasting and some Hors-d’-oeuvres’. The night opened up with Anthony’s Chardonnay and then proceeded forward with 3 rounds of various red wines. I can’t really tell you what ones I really liked or not, I wasn’t really keeping track, but I really enjoyed the whole night. It was just nice to relax, talk, eat some good food, and be among friends.

I have to give it up for Stephanie and Sara. They had the event timed and prepared with such precision that it was amazing. Like, for example, the schedule:

Open Bar: (Whites Only) [Anthony’s Chardonnay]

Round One: Merlot (served with appetizers)
Washington Merlot vs.French Merlot-based Wine

Open Bar: Reds (except Shiraz/Syrah) [CA’s Chianti]

Round Two: Cabernet Sauvinaugn (served with appetizers)
Washington Cabernet vs. Chilean Cabernet

Open Bar: Reds (All)

Round Three: Syrah/Shiraz (served with appetizers)
Washington Syrah vs. Australian Shiraz

Desert: Cake!!!!!

Yeah, hardcore man. Scheduled like a champ.

There had to have been about 30 people there and they did an awesome job. So, to them I say, “Great Work!” This event was also a little going away/birthday party since Stephanie will be going off to school in California come the fall. Sadly, the night was too much fun and I didn’t take any pictures. If you are all lucky, you might be able to get some off of C.A. But, we’ll have to wait and see.