Porn Mode in Safari – Yea, you can hide all of your tracks. I mean, “porn” tracks…
Tag: Hotlinks
Bacon Band-Aids
Bacon Band-Aids – Yup, now bacon can heal your cuts too. Mmm… bacon.
Longhorn to come to MSDN
Longhorn to come to MSDN – “Andy Boyd (Program Manager, MSDN Subscriber Downloads) has confirmed that Microsoft is planning to release the Longhorn WinHEC 2005 bits.”
PHP Cheat Sheet
PHP Cheat Sheet – Break out that A4 paper, here comes this really handy PHP cheat sheet.
T-Mobile Compass
T-Mobile Compass – Ever wanted to know what your estimated coverage is in a specific area on T-Mobile? Pretty neat. Of course, being in a building/underground/not outside will vary your results.
Moussaoui pleads guilty to role in Sept. 11 attacks, could be put to death
Moussaoui pleads guilty to role in Sept. 11 attacks, could be put to death – “He also acknowledged that, when questioned in Minneapolis less than a month before the Sept. 11 attacks, he ‘lied to federal agents to allow his Al-Qaida ‘brothers’ to go forward [and] … fly planes into American buildings.'”
Napoleon Dynamite Praised by Idaho
Napoleon Dynamite Praised by Idaho – “Kip’s relationship with LaFawnduh is a tribute to e-commerce and Idaho’s technology-driven industry.” Page 2, Line 2 is awesome.