The Weekend…

Well, it was nice to have a weekend to just sit back and relax and catch up on things. I sacrificed not going out and doing anything on Friday or Saturday night so that I could catch up on things. Now, I did get quite a bit done this weekend, but it was not as much as I would have liked. Mostly it is my reading that I am behind on, but that I can work on here and there. So, I’m not too worried about that.

But, other than the studying that I caught up on I got some other things done as well. I reformatted my computer to see if that would fix my problems that I was having with it. This was my late night Saturday night Sunday Morning treat to me. Surprisingly it only took 3.5hrs to get it back up to its previous state. Then Sunday was packed with stuff to do. Lunch with Jamie (the bday girl), her roommate Jules, and the always comical Anthony. Lunch was a good time and I think I ate enough to last me the entire day, but nevertheless we ended up eating later that night at Shari ‘s. But, I don’t want to get ahead of myself here.

After the lunch, which was more than filling, we headed back to the TE lab to kill time before Sauna Sunday. This time was more productive than I thought it would be. I ended up finishing my CSE project during this time and was pretty excited about that. Then after we were all set, we headed out for Sauna Sunday. The iSchool crew + Julia was along this week for the adventure and it was a good time to just relax and to not think about anything really. This was something nice because it just slowed everything down and I could just enjoy doing nothing. Then, of course, around 11pm we all got hungry again so we headed out to eat. I seem to not have a problem eating and I figured that since I was going out to eat I should get something that I usually don’t have. So, this ended up being breakfast, which was amazing.

Now we come to Monday and the new week is upon all of us. There are things due this week and many things to catch up on. I just need to spend less time playing, and more time studying. As sad as that sounds, it’s true.

Tonight should be cool, I’ll look hot, like always, maybe I’ll have a picture or two to share…

Current Feeling: Hotness, because I look damn fine today

A busy day of nothing. I woke up too late to go to class and then I just made myself lunch and then relaxed by watching Bad Boys on DVD. I haven’t watched that movie in a while, but I found that I really enjoy it quite a bit. Then the info people and I went to play ball at the IMA. That was good times as usual. They get to see me talk trash and then suck it up hardcore on the courts. After this it was teriyaki, tv, and poker back at my place. The info people are all really cool people to hang out with and it just keeps reminding me what I am sticking with this major. I have made some great friends here in the iSchool that make it more worthwhile than ever to be in this major. But, now they night is upon us and finals week is here for us to suffer over. Only one week until I am home… to work. Bleh…

Take a close look at this pic from camp this summer… more so the shadow. Thanks to Sean for this lovely pic.

Man, today I got three new things. Some are exciting; some are not. I ordered some poker chips last Friday and today they showed up. I ordered 500 of them, but only 499 were in the case. So, I emailed the person hoping to get a response back on if I can get that one chip. I also got Office 2003 and 2003 today from the iSchool. Office looks to be quite cool and is well, boring unless you need to use it.

Last night I went to the IMA w/ some INFO peeps and I got schooled in ball and in lifting. Today I woke up and I was super sore. But, it was in a good way. But, my right knee keeps acting up and I am kina concerned about it. I don’t want something to happen to it where I would need surgery or something. So, I might need to look into getting that looked at by a doctor. But, it was good times. We did pyramids on the bench and on the ab machine. Surprisingly my abs survived the pyramid.

Also late last night it was a little IHOP w/ Joe and Steven. It was good times to see these guys and to just chill and talk. Yeah, I get picked on cuz I’m from the Midwest, but I’m used to it. Even when I got home I told myself that I would make my 830 class. Yeah, that didn’t happen. I slept until 945 then went to my classes. Oh well.