XML C# Lab Puppy 8 by Ryan Prins

Here are the Dahilas!

Babylon Red: Flat,arching petals in a brilliant scarlet are set against slightly bronzed foliage.

Bishop of Llandaff: An heirloom red variety dating to 1927 that's enjoying a resurgence of popularity.

Bridgeview Aloha: An eruption of molten yellow petals tipped red.

Claudette: Double, purple-pink flowers grace plants that grow just 16in tall.

Contessa: Four-inch blooms in firetruck red with contrasting yellow eyes show themselves off above the foliage on dark sturdy stems.

David Howard: Elegant white flowers with a touch of cream in their centers.

Ecstacy: Bright pink blooms fade to white at the edges with a golden halo at their centers.