Again I have this week’s doing for you all to either enjoy or to skip. To sum it up, this week was better than last week.
Continue reading “Week In Review: 5/1 – 5/7”
Realization of Self
Everyone has those things that they know that are their “faults” or “imperfections.” You usually don’t like to hear about them and when they are brought up, it is a topic that you wish could just be pushed away, however valid it is to be pushed away or not. Over the past week I have been reflecting on what I could improve on for the benefit of myself and those around me. This is not that I am trying to be some super human an be perfect in all aspects of life, but I know I can improve on some of the things that I do.
Week In Review: 4/24 – 4/30
This past week has been something that I guess I’d rather not think too much about. There was more drama than I would have like to have seen, but that is all in the past now and I know what needs to be done to move forward from that.
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Some People Lack Tact
It has come to my attention this quarter that some people just lack tact in their decision making processes. Now, I am no expert in this field, but I would like to think that I have the tact of a normal person and would be able to spot out the right and wrong thing to do in a situation. However, some people lack this basic concept of human nature.
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Nice Day
Man, was it nice out today or what? Seriously. This is why Spring quarter at UW is impossible. The sun comes out and you have no desire to go to class. But, nevertheless I made my rounds today. It was nice to be able to just hang outside and just enjoy the weather over some Caramel (Care – a – mel) Rumble with Jamie after class. But, in other news, I was hit by a car today on my way to the IMA with Kony for my intramural soccer game. Yeah, it was exciting. For more great stuff click on.
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So Busy
This quarter has lived up to its’ pre-quarter hype. The work has been constant all quarter long and is not letting up. This has lead me to spend a lot more time studying this quarter than in previous quarters. Is this a bad thing? No, not really, but I just really did not expect this to happen this quarter. I know that I have said this in the past, but I am just still in shock at how much work I do during the week.
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Say Hello To WordPress
I decided that CGI wasn’t my thing, so I switched over to WordPress. I like it because of the PHP stuff, but I had to do a little hacking to maintin the layout that I had from MT blog. It wasn’t that MT was a bad blogging system, but I just thought it was a little clunky and the XML style tags were a little annoying as well as the compiling of the site upon every entry. I hope that I will just be satisified with this and just let it be. It looks to be pretty good so far, but we’ll see how long this lasts.