The layout has been updated a little bit for my blog. I had added links to the top of blog to my calendar, classes, this blog, and the main domain. The color scheme will be tweaked a little bit over the next coming days so, things might continue to change a little bit. Also, the layout is not rendering properly in IE6, so bare with me while I try to fix/hack it. If you have comments please let me know.
Purpose of a Blog
From the time that I started posting on Xanga until my time now, my posts have changed in a few ways:
- I no longer post about what I did for the day, everyday. I figured that you all don’t care that I woke up, then went to class, went home, and then just happened to make something cool happen so that I could blog about it. That is just not how I blog anymore. I am not even interested in what I do on a daily basis, so, I don’t figure that you all would too. If you really wanted to know what I did everyday, you could just check my calendar.
- I post sporadically on this blog. I don’t make time for my blogging everyday, I just do it when I feel up to it.
- I actually think about what I am posting. Before I would just type and see what came out and then I would post that. Now, I sit back and try to think about what I am writing and then move on from there.
I can’t say that I think about my blog a whole lot during the day. I don’t go throughout my day thinking about what to post on this blog. It is a part of who I am, but it is not who I am.
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I could only be so lucky
Last night I had the fortunate pleasure to sit down with a friend of mine that I have not had the time to see enough in the past few months. We talked about everything from school to relationships and just about anything in between. But, when talking to him it got me to think about some things that are happening in my own life.
Ok, well, I really don’t like posting very personal things on here because, I just don’t like to spit them out on the internet. I guess there is a good reason for why I do this, but sometimes I just want to push myself and see what I will post without making an ass of myself on line. So, now I begin…
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Listserv Spam Is Annoying
For those of you that attend UW you all know what a listserv (or listproc) is. For those of you who don’t know what it is, I’ll give you a brief explanation. Each class at the UW gets a list of users (the class list) on an email list that the class can use to ask questions of the whole class by just typing in one email address. This makes it very convenient to get in contact with everyone in your class, but when used poorly (or too much) it just becomes inbox spam. This is the case of this past weekend.
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Me, Teaching?
I never thought that I would hear someone tell me that I should be a teacher. But, I had this happen to me on Friday. I was told by a fellow classmate that I would make a good teacher. I can say that this thought has crossed my mind before, but without any real deep thought about it.
Now, I guess this idea (that of me teaching) could be spawned by me always being willing to help those that need help. I really do not have a problem doing this and based on what people tell me, I guess I am halfway decent at it too. Does this mean that I would make a good teacher? Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know if I would want to make teaching my profession, but it would be something that I might consider later.
I just like people to do their best and sometimes I see that there is always something small that holds them back. I guess I am just the one to make them see what the small thing is to have them unlock the rest.
Teaching, that’s interesting… Never thought of myself as a teacher
How do you handle it?
When something doesn’t go your way, or when something happens that you wish had not happened, what do you do? How do you handle it? I had something happen today and I still cannot decide if the way I acted was right or not. I did what I normally do and now I can just reflect on it.
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Would I do it again?
For some reason I have been getting asked a lot recently if I would consider leaving Seattle after graduation to try to find a job elsewhere. I don’t know why this is coming up a lot right now, maybe because I am a year from my degree in Informatics, but it just makes me think about why I answer the same thing every time. I am always responding with “I want to stay in Seattle. I have traveled half way across the country once and I’d like to not do that again.”
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