Cambodian New Year

Last night was the UW�s Khmer Student Association�s Cambodian New Year event that was held at the HUB. A friend of mine, David, was in the play that was apart of the celebration. He was the role of Little Eagle 2. Now, this was something different for me since, well, I am from the Midwest and the Asian percentage of our population could be counted on one of my hands. It is small, to non-existent. So, for me to go to something like this is pretty much culture shock.
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A Simpler Time

Why does it seem that as the older we get the more grueling our days become? Is it because be have more responsibilities to ourself and to others? Or, is it because our lives are just filled with more to do? Wouldn’t it be nice to just enjoy a day and have no worries about anything else, except for your concern if it will rain or not?
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New Quarter. New Classes.

Well, the new quarter has begun and I don’t really know what to think of it all yet. The classes seem harder than the previous quarters, but at the same time they might be the most rewarding. I am taking two social Informatics classes, one technical Informatics class, and my FIG training class. So, with all of that plus work I will be kept busy most of the quarter. I want to do well this quarter, as I have done in the past, and I think that the goal to stay on the Dean’s List is something that I could do again this quarter. However, I need to trust others to help me along the way. There are many group projects this quarter and I will need to be trusting of the people in our groups. But, yeah, classes should be good, but I really don’t know what to think right now, except that I should be reading right now and I already feel behind and it is only the end of the second day.

Why do I do this?

For the first two years that I attended school at UW I must say that I didn’t have much, if any, drama at all. But, for some reason, it seems like recently I have been causing drama between myself and some, well really one, of my friends. I honestly don�t mean to do this to people, but sometimes it just happens and I snap. Similar to what happened last night. I won�t go into details, since they don�t matter at this point, but I just snapped at one of my better friends. Something just came over me, that I can�t really explain, and I just went off.

Part of it was that I was taken back by what was said to me, but at the same time I should know better than to flip out like this to someone whom I care for. I should be a bigger man than that. But, I just fell apart and let the words get to me. I mean, what was said was not to be taken the way it was, but I got really offended by it and I just lost it. I hurt her, and I didn�t mean to at all.

Which, after it happened, made me think. Do I really know how much I affect people? I don�t really think I have the slightest idea. I am always putting myself behind other people and trying to put them before me, but at the same time I don�t see the effect that I have on other people. Even when you tell me, I probably will not believe you. So, it is hard for me to hear that I make a difference in someone else�s life. I just don�t see how I could. Personally I don�t see what I do that makes me stand out from the next guy. I just go about my business and just try to be me.

Study Fun

Today was pure study fun! Heh, well studying isn’t cool, but the people I studied with were cool. But, anyways it was a good day today and tomorrow will probably suck until 4:20pm when I am officially done with this quarter. Relief is so close; I cannot wait anymore to taste the freedom! But, now I rest for all of the �greatness� that will occur tomorrow.