Fooding and Friends

I�m sitting here at work, bored off of my mind with nothing to do for the remainder of my shift. Yesterday was an eating extravaganza with Jamie making her and myself lunch and me making dinner for Jula and D. It was a great day for fooding. It was also a good day because I got my project grade back for CSE and got that all figured out. Catalyst messed up my project, but after talking to the TA it all got worked out and I did very, very well.

But, like usual for me now I am busy a lot of the time. I am being asked by people to do stuff, but I am never available, which sucks. I have people that I NEED to go hang out with, but I don’t have the time to. They know who they are and I plan to meet up with them before the quarter is over.

I just sit and think about how I would have never said that last statement when I was a freshman. I was always not busy and I had all of the time in the world. I was new to Washington and UW and I had did not have very many friends since leaving Minnesota. So, needless to say I did not get out much, or if I was asked to go out I just didn’t. I don’t know why, but I just didn’t. So, things have kind of done a complete 180 for me in the past two years and it has been for the better. School might be taking up a lot of my time, but that is ok, because that is what I am here to do. However it is nice to get out with friends and just chill for a while.

School and the converstation to come

Well, today was yet another boring, yet interesting day in the life of me. Networking is pretty much over at this point and my mind is kind of off and on in that class. We turned in out final lab project today and we should get the full credit on it. I also worked on and completed my part of our 311 paper. This was not as hard as I thought, but it’s only a first draft and it’s going to suck, but oh well. We have revisions to make to it anyways and I have more than a week to get it right for the final product. So, with that done, all I have left to do is work on this last lame ass CSE project. I’ll be so glad when this class is over. I mean, I can dig programming and all at times, but geeze I hate some of this stuff.

Anyways, back to yesterday� After work, I ran into Sandra, who is also an Informatics major. We talked about how work was and other random things like what buses we take to get home. But, then when we got on the bus, that is when the good conversation began.

It was interesting to talk to her about school and what she thought of classes. How she also thinks that one of our professors doesn’t always know what he is talking about in class. We also talked about the internal conflicts of some people in the major and how that all came to be and what we thought of it. Needless to say we differ on some things, but we agree on a lot of things too, which, was kind of shocking to me. I thought that I was more different from her than I really was and I kind of wished that we could have talked longer. The conversation was going well and then I had to get off of the bus. But, there are always other days to continue this conversation.

In other news, tomorrow will be way easy in class and work and I’m making dinner for Jula, Diana and maybe Kony (if he’s around). So, yeah, stuffed pork chops and potatoes here I come!


Sitting here, bored, in class I decided to write a little post. This week hasn’t been as bad as I thought it would be. All I have to do now is research for our 311 paper. This shouldn’t be that bad, but it will be more time consuming than anything. So, that is all I really have to do until next week… I’m sure that I’ll have something more constructive later.

If I were only an athlete

I am again reading an article online today that just blew my mind. This time it happens to be from ESPN and it has to do with the University of Geroga�s assistant basketball coach’s class in Coaching Principle and Strategies of Basketball. This class was a total joke from what I read and anyone who took a PE class in any level of education would know the answer to these questions. I will provide you a sample, ‘How many points does a 3-point field goal accout for in a Basketbal Game?’ The test is multiple choice and the answers to pick from are, �a. 1, b. 2, c. 3, d. 4.�
Continue reading “If I were only an athlete”

Super Tuesday

Well, this really isn’t about the Caucuses that took place today, but rather about an image that I saw on the Seattle Times web page. The image really says a lot, in my opinion. They, Urban Outfitters, claim that the shirt was “never meant to be misconstrued as an anti-voting T-shirt.” Heh, yeah, right. My stance on voting is as follows. Vote and you have the right to bitch all you want. If you don’t vote, then shut the hell up and talk to someone who cares.

Keep It Steady

I have too little motivation right now to do the work that needs to be done. I spend time doing other stuff that can be done later, but instead I choose to do it now. I mean, maybe I am making a bigger deal out of what I have to do. However, the way I see it is that I need to set little tasks to do daily and make the stuff more manageable to complete. I did this today, by saying that I wanted to get caught up in my CSE readings and my INFO readings (still need to do). But, by typing here I am not completing any of my tasks, so off I goÖ

Productivity and the Two Weeks to Come

There seems to be so many things to do, and all of this time to do it. With the quarter winding down the crunch begins and the “real” students start to show what they are made of. What I mean is that it is easy to come and go to class day in and day out, but it takes something else to handle all of the deadlines and requirements that are bestowed upon a full time student. Over the next two weeks I will have important projects, papers, and labs due in all of my classes. I anticipate that I will get them all done. No, wait, I don’t anticipate that I will I KNOW that I will. It is just a matter of quality.
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