No More Xanga

I decided that my time on Xanga has come to an end and that I needed to go off and do my own thing. So, I decided to get a web host and two snazzy domain names: and Yeah, they both do the exact same thing since one is the mirror of the other, so you may see a link to, but it will also work with as well. So, if you a lazy typer you can type in the smaller domain name.
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Lost in the Translation

Everyday we all walk around bringing to this world something unique and different. Do we act how we want to act, or are we influenced to be someone else to act as a person who we really are not? Should I take an action because it is the “socially” correct thing to do, or should it be because of what I want to do? What is it about society that puts all of this pressure on us? Will we ever have the answer to these questions?

Those are just some of the things that were running through my mind tonight after watching Lost in Translation. It just made me think a bit about the above questions. I mean, I would like to think that I am more of myself than I am of what other people want me to be, but I cannot be too sure sometimes. I think that I do a pretty good job being just me and being true to myself and never tying to be someone that I am not. This is just my perspective but it is nice to know who you really are. Sometimes the only way to know this is from your friends and people who know you more than just a name and a face. But it is just interesting to challenge your own thinking for a moment and to take a step back to reflect for a moment on how you really are.

I see myself as one who will stick to his word and will nine times out of ten tell you exactly what is on my mind and not regret any word of it. But at the same time I am extremely shy and sometimes just sit back and watch things happen and I can look and see a different perspective of things. This can be good, but at times opportunities are lost, by maybe they are salvaged as well by being like this. It’s nice just to be lost for a little while and to be found again. You have the chance to take a step back to think about who you are what you are as well.

Current Thought/Emotion: Tired and ready for the weekend.

The Passion of the Christ

Tonight I saw this movie with the iSchool crew and I’m speechless. I’m not one that is easily moved, but I was pretty emotional at the end of the movie. I don’t know what it was exactly. It seemed like there was just too much there for me to handle. The movie was pretty heavy, but I would recommend to everyone to go and see it. You won’t be disappointed.

Current Feeling/Emotion: Drained

Birthday + Earl’s = Good Times

Last night was Jamie‘s 21 st birthday and oh boy did we have fun. The night started off at dinner at which all the 4 th cohort iSchoolers looked damn hot all dressed up. I had my tie on, like promised, and we all were dressed up for the ceremonial occasion. Dinner was a good time to just sit, chill, and to talk to some new people that I had just meet  that night and to some that I had only met briefly previously. But, dinner was just the beginning… So, being the good person that I am, I suggested that we go out to a bar seeing that Jamie was now 21 and she was not carded at dinner. I figured she should at least get carded on her birthday and get a few drinks. So, we head up to Earl’s, on a Monday.

Earl’s, on a friggin Monday, is pretty slow. It was nice and laid back, which was nice for a change, and we had a kickin’ time at the bar. Had a few beers and mixed drinks and then I proceeded drank whatever else was still around that people did not want to drink. Can’t let it all go to waste.

This was probably one of the better times that I have had going out. The people were way cool and we had just a sweet time. I mean I never thought that I’d be out with the people in the Info program or even becoming such good friends with the people in my major. But, needless to say, I’m glad that I am.

Now, today was another story, but I’ll just say that the focus was not there in class today. It was not that I was hungover or anytning, but going out made the weekend seem that much longer and focusing in class was not exactly high on my list of things to do today. But, last night was a really good time and it’s always nice to go out and do something special on a birthday, even if is not your own.

Here are some pics from last night, as promised.

This is me and Anthony looking all hot and stuff last night. The ladies we were with thought we looked pretty hot in that ‘pose’ so multiple pictures were taken.

This is our lab group (minus Kevin) and this was the picture that we put on the cover of our report with the phrase: “Alcohol is open source. Let the good times roll!”

Current Feeling/Emotion: Energetic and Happy

Note: To see more pics from this night look here

The Weekend…

Well, it was nice to have a weekend to just sit back and relax and catch up on things. I sacrificed not going out and doing anything on Friday or Saturday night so that I could catch up on things. Now, I did get quite a bit done this weekend, but it was not as much as I would have liked. Mostly it is my reading that I am behind on, but that I can work on here and there. So, I’m not too worried about that.

But, other than the studying that I caught up on I got some other things done as well. I reformatted my computer to see if that would fix my problems that I was having with it. This was my late night Saturday night Sunday Morning treat to me. Surprisingly it only took 3.5hrs to get it back up to its previous state. Then Sunday was packed with stuff to do. Lunch with Jamie (the bday girl), her roommate Jules, and the always comical Anthony. Lunch was a good time and I think I ate enough to last me the entire day, but nevertheless we ended up eating later that night at Shari ‘s. But, I don’t want to get ahead of myself here.

After the lunch, which was more than filling, we headed back to the TE lab to kill time before Sauna Sunday. This time was more productive than I thought it would be. I ended up finishing my CSE project during this time and was pretty excited about that. Then after we were all set, we headed out for Sauna Sunday. The iSchool crew + Julia was along this week for the adventure and it was a good time to just relax and to not think about anything really. This was something nice because it just slowed everything down and I could just enjoy doing nothing. Then, of course, around 11pm we all got hungry again so we headed out to eat. I seem to not have a problem eating and I figured that since I was going out to eat I should get something that I usually don’t have. So, this ended up being breakfast, which was amazing.

Now we come to Monday and the new week is upon all of us. There are things due this week and many things to catch up on. I just need to spend less time playing, and more time studying. As sad as that sounds, it’s true.

Tonight should be cool, I’ll look hot, like always, maybe I’ll have a picture or two to share…

Current Feeling: Hotness, because I look damn fine today

Inner/Outer Perception

After having a talk with my friend Jamie tonight, I realized that I don’t think I view myself as highly as others view me. Now, this might be normal, or it might not be. I don’t know. But, I don’t know how I come off to other people. I think that I can come off as harsh, rash, sarcastic, and humorous most of the time. But, I don’t really see myself in any other light. When I am told that I am good at something I have to take a step back and think about the compliment and just think so myself: “Hmm, interesting, I never saw that.” I guess I have learned to be humble and to downplay what I am good at and to uplift others when they are good at something. It doesn’t really get to me since that is just how I am, but I don’t think I give myself enough credit sometimes for things that I am actually good at.

Current Feeling:Tired, but ready for what is next.

College != High School

Alright, I understand that some of you suck at managing your time, I am no different. But, seriously, this is College not High School and there are a different set of responsibilities that come with it. You can’t be asking professors for extensions on every little thing, or asking for points back on everything. So, if you can’t handle it, get out. I’m sick of being held back because you can’t keep up. I mean, you can’t move things around every time you are inconvenienced just to make your life more convenient. Just take it like the majority of college students do, and work for it. You will be glad that you worked for it. Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.

On a final note: I’m glad that people understand me and agree with me on this. If you are curious on what spawned this read a reply I made below to a class list serv.

Current Feeling: Bleeeeeeeaaaaah!!

My response to a proposal to extend the due date for the 1st part of our final lab project:

Ok, as much as I like this initiative, I disagree and feel that the due date of next week on Tuesday should stand. I feel that Professor Blommers has been more than willing to hear us out on extra points for quizzes, points and an extension past labs, and the midterm exam. This project is the last big thing that we have in this class and I feel that it should be treated as such. As you notice we do not have a final scheduled and I am treating this lab as my final chance to improve my grade. I wouldn’t expect a professor to move a final because I have another one the same day and this should be no different.   

While I sympathize with those of you who have not started this lab or are in a bind for time working on this and other coursework, but this date was known for some time and maybe if we did not have the Lab 4 pushed back to be due until tomorrow we would not be asking for an extension like this in the first place.

Many of us have this CSE project that is due next Wednesday but, many of us are not asking for an extension because this is what is expected of us as students. We can’t keep asking for extensions on things in classes because we can; it will more than likely interfere inadvertently with other classes and their works load (like it did now with the extension of Lab 4). Instead, we should be working with the schedule and due dates that we were given and run with it like the students we are. Many of you are looking for some real world experience from this major, well, here is some experience for you. Working on a tight deadline with little time to accomplish what seems an undoable task.

I do not mean to offend anyone who differs on these views, but enough is enough and you will find my group and me working on this lab tomorrow in the TE lab.