You know you are a nerd when you do the following:
A busy day of nothing. I woke up too late to go to class and then I just made myself lunch and then relaxed by watching Bad Boys on DVD. I haven’t watched that movie in a while, but I found that I really enjoy it quite a bit. Then the info people and I went to play ball at the IMA. That was good times as usual. They get to see me talk trash and then suck it up hardcore on the courts. After this it was teriyaki, tv, and poker back at my place. The info people are all really cool people to hang out with and it just keeps reminding me what I am sticking with this major. I have made some great friends here in the iSchool that make it more worthwhile than ever to be in this major. But, now they night is upon us and finals week is here for us to suffer over. Only one week until I am home… to work. Bleh…
Take a close look at this pic from camp this summer… more so the shadow. Thanks to Sean for this lovely pic.
It was a very good weekend this weekend. I ended up in poker on Friday night, got to hang out w/ Kelsey on Sat, and saw Last Samuari on Sunday w/ Jai and Kony. So, needless to say it was a good weekend. Now, that is the last fun I have for, um, one day. I have to study for my INFO 300 final on Tuesday. But, I don.t know what to think of it so far. I mean, the class was really easy and I have all the possible points so far in this quarter. I really don.t know if I can expect the same from this test or what, but I do know that I will have to study for it.
But, yeah, it looks like the funk I was in last week is finally over. I think it had to do with my CSE project and all the stress it was bringing on me. But, as of yesterday it was all over. That was our last project and it did not come a day too soon. This quarter is ending quite nicely, better than most. But the work is not yet done, but it is getting lighter by the day.
So, now I must go to sit here and do… well… nothing
Finally our CSE project is done… Finally. Now the stress level will fall down. Thank God. But, now it is time to make some money in poker. Hopefully I do better than last time…
Once again today was a bitch. I spent 13 hours on campus. That must be a record for me. But, it was really great walking back in the rain. Yeah, right. Anyways we made progress on our CSE project. However, I feel bad, I am doing jack shit on this part of the project and I really don’t exactly know what is going on, but at the same time I know exactly what is going on. Kind of odd, but so true. I just want this week to be over so I can relax before my CSE final. It’s not that this upcoming week is that bad, but I am getting stressed and then I start to go crazy and I just become a complete scatter brain. So, if you see me and I don’t make much sense, please bear with me, I’m just being mildly retarded this week. I swear it’s only this week. In a week I will be fine and ready to move on to better things’ but, until that day comes I have more stressing to do about our CSE project. *sigh*
The quarter is beginning to wind down here and the work load is reaching it’s high point in this last week of class. I have two projects to do and a test to prepare for. All of which will be completed by next Wednesday. So, needless to say the stress level is rising to a point where I am not really having a good time. But, this is only one week and it will never compare to the quarter where I had three finals in one day. That day was hell… But, the weekend is coming and I plan to relax, no matter what the cost. I am near complete on my INFO project, I don’t know how hard I am going to study for my INFO test and, well, CSE can go to hell.
See, yesterday all I really did was school, except for the couple hours I was at the IMA. But, it sucked. I really hate studying for 12 hours straight and not doing much else, it just drives me crazy. I can’t really say that I study hard, but I know that in the upcoming days I will have to do this to finish out strong this quarter. This will probably be my best quarter (keeps fingers crossed) since I was a 1st quarter freshman. So, yeah, it’s been like that. But, I am definitely not going to miss this quarter… that much. Then I just have to look forward to 18 credits of hell next quarter… I have no idea what I am doing to myself, but it will turn out alright in the end.
Well I am back in Seattle now, but it was nice to be home and to, uh, relax? Sure, I ended up spending my vacation, if you could call it that, on catching up on my various readings. That was what I did on Friday and Saturday and on the plane ride back. So, really it was no vacation at all. But, now that I am back I have more to work on. Projects, papers, homework, finals… it never ends. But, it’s alright; it will be over soon enough. Then I go home to work and make some more money. But, it will be nice to get this quarter over… however I will want to hold out as long as possible on next quarter because it will kill me. So, yeah… the days are getting shorter here, I need the light.