One Last Week

Those of us attending summer school at UW have one week left. I can’t wait for it to be over. These past 3 weeks have been very slow and I can’t wait until 1pm on Friday when it is all over and done with. My only reason for taking summer school was to get some VLPA credits out of the way. Now, that I will have these complete I can focus on the classes in my major and more than likely graduate in the Winter as opposed to the Spring.

I think I would have more to say, but I am really exhausted, my body aches, and I just want to go back to bed.

Chilling at Greenlake

Yesterday was pretty chill. After class I came home and relaxed for the better part of the afternoon. I really can’t tell you what I did. Not because I don’t want to tell you, I just don’t remember. After Jamie got off of work it was off to Northgate to cash in on 25 free digital prints from Target and dinner at the Olive Garden. Then, Jamie and I ventured to Greenlake for some relaxation. Continue reading “Chilling at Greenlake”