Calif. court voids S.F. gay marriages
Calif. court voids S.F. gay marriages – So, now, I’m confused…
Images From My Phone
I was looking through my phone today and I decided that I needed to offload some of the pictures to my computer. Below are some of them that I thought were of interest. Continue reading “Images From My Phone”
N.J. governor, saying he’s gay, resigns office
N.J. governor, saying he’s gay, resigns office – Wow, this is some news for NJ.
Gmail 1MB Milestone
I finally did it! 1 MB! Only 999 megabytes to go!
Some People Just Don’t Know Better
You know you always have that person in your class that just doesn’t get what is going on and then always happens to ask the “stupid” question despite the saying that there are no such things as stupid questions? I have had classes with people like this and I am currently in one and it is, at this point, simply humorous. Whether it is someone asking “What is a NOS?” after the prof just spent a good 30 minutes telling us what it is or the smart alec in class that thinks he is always right when he is really always wrong. Comments like “Why doesn’t she just leave her husband and go on her own if she is so unhappy?” just blow my mind. Not that I think that is wrong, it is not considering the conversation, but we’re talking about the 1950s here… we all should know better, or so I thought.
A Successful Blog 2
A Successful Blog 2 – A followup to the link I posted yesterday