How This Page Works

My friend was asking over on his blog on how to get his navigation setup to show the same on every page so that when he makes one change to it all of the pages will be updated. This is something that I have just done here on this site, you probably didn’t even notice, but I am working behind the scenes to make my site have less data redundancy as well as higher data reuse. Below I’ll describe how I set it up and some code samples I used to make it happen.
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Van Gogh Exhibit

Just got back from dinner and the Van Gogh exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum. We decided to go tonight because on the 1st Thursdays of the month you can get in the special exhibit for only $5 (as students). So, we ventured out to SAM to see this exhibit. We had to wait about 30 minutes to get into the museum since this is a popular night to come, but it was worth the wait.
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