IT company gives workers free beer – wins award – Where do I sign up?
Miranda Warning Not Required by Park Ranger
High court says park guards didn’t need to give Miranda warnings – 8-0 verdict upholds lower court’s ruling saying that the setting fell short of the “coercive environment of police custody” that would have triggered the Miranda requirement.
Bush Parody Ad
Bush Parody Ad w/ Will Ferrell – Quite funny if you ask me (LINK FIXED)
Today in Class
“Hello my little Vikings!” – Scandinavian Professor
That is how every class begins. Pretty funny if you ask me.
Now onto what I really am posting about…
So far this summer I can’t say that anything has really stood out from the two classes that I am taking. But, today there seemed to be a bunch of stuff that suck out in my mind. Mainly, the most interesting material comes from my Scandinavian class. The class is about the sexuality in that region and it is interesting on how different it is from our culture here in the United States. I can’t say I completely agree with everything that is brought up in that class, but that is my world-view colliding with theirs.
Continue reading “Today in Class”
2003 White House Gift List
The White House gift list for 2003 – 300lbs of Lamb meat from the Argentine nation is only the beginning
Land Record for WiFi Set @ DEFCON
Land Record for WiFi Set @ DEFCON – 55.1 Miles of Unamplified WiFi
Missouri Dumps Governor, Bans Gay Marriage
Missouri Dumps Governor, Bans Gay Marriage – Just FYI