Why RSS?

Kevin has brought up some good points over on his blog about RSS and Web Design. Personally, I never have thought about it as stripping the design and just looking at the text. My main reason for firing up my RSS reader everyday is for ease of use and connivence. I don’t think that I ready many blogs (37) on a daily basis, but there are enough that I don’t want to check them all every day to see what is new and what isn’t. So, for me it is about saving myself a little time each day.
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New Header Image

As you can see I have made a new header image for the blog. I hope to make a different one for each part of the site once I get it all coded. I am also thinking about using some code I have @ clanuw.com to produce a random image on each reload. Still don’t know what I am going to do yet.

The image that you see now was taken at the new Seattle Public Library on my trip there with my brother last week. The photo was taken of a stack of Metro bus schedules on the 1st floor of the library.

New Work Schedule

Well, the new work schedule has been posted and now I open three days a week. Oh well, I get Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays completely off. Well, sorta. I still have class to attend to. That will be a nice change of things. Hopefully the 18 hours that I have will be more than enough time to get all of my course work done. Now I just need to think of what to make the IUGA Officers for dinner tonight. Just might have to be hamburgers again.

In other news: Our blinds finally get installed today!