The Five People You Meet in Heaven

I started this book yesterday and I just couldn’t put it down. The book takes you through the last few days of an amusement park maintenance worker named Eddie. The book was not exactly what I thought it was going to be about, but the 194 pages of this book goes by quickly. You travel through the life of Eddie and the five people that he meets in heaven. It is interesting who he meets and the story that they have to tell him on why they are one of the five. In general, the reason that they are chosen as one of five is because the person that they are chosen for (Eddie in the case of this book) has had some profound effect on their life, whether they know it or not. The book is a quick read and I’d recommend it to anyone who has a spare three hours to spend reading a book.

Quote of the Day: “Love, like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with a soaking joy. But sometimes, under the angry heat of life, love dries on the surface and must nourish from below, tending to its roots, keeping itself alive.” – The Five People You Meet in Heaven

New Categories Added

Well, in my current state of perpetual boredom I added some new categories for my posts. Being the informatics student that I am this is only fitting, right? Now, there are some more updates coming along as well. One that I also did today was move some of the archive stuff to another page. You can get there by clicking on the navigation bar above.

One thing that I found funny after making all of these new categories is how ironic an old image I have is. Look below and you’ll see what I mean. The screenshot was originally taken on March 1st to show how the Trillian RSS reader worked and it just happened that I got this part of the conversation in the screenshot. Pretty weird foreshadowing if you ask me.

jamie wants a category

Go figure… 25 days later she thought it would be worth it. Still no category and all the preconditions were met. I’m so terrible.

Sniffing for Wi-Fi

I was reading my latest issue of PC Magazine and I ran across an article about a keychain sized device called the Wi-Fi Seeker that will sniff for Wi-Fi hot spots. I have a program on my Powerbook that will do the same thing, but this device just requires the push of a button and it will check for local hotspots. Now, it gives you strength on a scale of 1 to 4 little LED lights, but it beats getting out a PDA or Laptop just to check for a wireless access point.

The Past Few Days

Well, needless to say the past few days have been interesting. For those of you who don’t know what happened, let me do a quick recap.

Thursday night Jamie left my place for her friend’s (Paul) 21 run. They get to the 1st bar, Finn McCool’s, on the Ave and no sooner then walking in the door there was an incident. Glasses had fallen off a table that Jamie was leaning on and she had cut her wrist open and was bleeding quite badly. I was not there when it happened, but from what I understand it was quite ugly.

I then received a phone call waking me and it was Jamie’s friend Cynthia telling me roughly the following in a phone call from Jamie’s phone:

C: Hey, Ryan. Jamie has had an accident and she’s bleeding.
R: What?! Where?
C: Finn McCools.
R: Oh, God. I’m on my way.

That is all I really remember of the phone call that night, the rest was a blur of me leaving my place in what I was sleeping in and heading to the ave. I seemed to hit every red light and time was moving so slow. I knew that things would be OK, but I just wanted to get there to see her and to make sure that everything was alright.
Continue reading “The Past Few Days”

A Bike Ride for the Mind

Today was something different from the norm. Yeah, different. I know you think you can’t get much different than going to work and then going home and doing whatever you please, but I found a way. I managed to watch The Bourne Idendtity, which is a really good movie if you have not already seen it, and then after that I took a little bike ride to vent some steam.
Continue reading “A Bike Ride for the Mind”