Oh, Saturday!

Yeah, today was pretty amazing. Let’s see… I had Dim Sum in the International District, walked around the market, visited Jamie’s new place for the next couple of months, and went shopping. Now, that might not bleed excitement, but it was good times. Also, the really nice weather made it much more enjoyable to be outside in.
Continue reading “Oh, Saturday!”

New Layout

As you can see there is a new layout to the blog and soon my entire site. I will be updating it over time as it is not complete, but more like a work in process. So, if you have comments or suggestions, let me know.

Week in Review 6/21 – 6/27

This week was the first week of summer school and it was also the last. I was signed up for LING 100 during A term, but after the second day of class I decided that this class was not my thing and I dropped it the next day. This leaves me with 2 VLPA credits for B term to take. Those shouldn’t be too bad since it is music theory and I have been involved in playing music since I was in 5th grade. Oh, yeah, I also 4.0’ed the 1st quarter of the series, so yeah, we’ll see how it goes.

With the increase in time that I have had with dropping my A term class I am in need of things to do. I just finished my book on Saturday and my next set of books won’t be in until next week.

Since I have my afternoons free I can pretty much do whatever I want to fill the time. So, this past week I was out on the driving range with Jula, had an IUGA officers meeting, had a blast at Happy Panqueque Night, caught up with on old friend (Brent) at Korean BBQ, and watched Mystic River with Trotter on Friday. Phew, yeah, then it was University Market and lunch @ Chipolte with Jula, and then dinner w/ Jamie @ Jitterbug in Wallingford and Bad Boys II on Saturday.

Yeah, it was a good week last week. Oh, yeah, and I almost forgot that the bedroom furniture came in on Friday. Yeah, hopefully the weather stays nice so that I can be outside more. I need to get out b/c I am really pale right now and I need some sun. Yeah, sun… just what I need while I am sitting here in the lab posting this. *sigh*

Happy Panqueque Night

Last night it was happy pancake night at Kat’s. It was a good time, as usual, with the INFO crew. Dinner was very good and it just goes to reaffirm that Kathryn can cook very well. This was our first gathering since summer officially began it was nice to have everyone there and to see everyone. I mean, it wasn’t that long ago since we last saw each other. But, anyways… I don’t really have much to say. Hrm, strange. Here are some pics from last night to get you all through the day.
Continue reading “Happy Panqueque Night”

First Day of Summer Classes

Man, it was hot/nice out today! But, today summer classes started. It is strange to be in a non-INFO class. The TA for my class is very strict on her policies and I feel like she has to baby the class just to be able to teach it. That is something that is new for me from this past year. It is also strange to be in a class where I don’t know anyone.

However, this summer should be good. I am only taking 7 VLPA credits. The classes that I am taking are LING 100 and MUSIC 117. I am excited to just be in Seattle and hopefully the classes don’t provide too much of a challenge (most likely) so that I can relax and enjoy my summer.

Anyways, it’s off to study… *sigh* Oh, well… it’s a 100 level course and it should be cake

/me knocks on wood

Quote of the Day: “The Bible still condemns masturbation, usury, and the wearing of woven cloth; Christian societies just no longer see it as an authority on these matters.” – The Future of Freedom (Fareed Zakaria)