We are all very aware of the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001. It is something I will not forget and it is etched in my mind for what I feel will last an eternity. The vivid images of seeing the second plane (United 175) hit the south tower, plus the subsequent replays on television, is something that was jaw dropping and surreal.
Continue reading “9-11 Commission Reportings”
End of Year/Quarter Stuff
The past quarter has come and gone and now it is time to enjoy the little bit of summer that I have before classes start. I am not concerned that I won’t have any summer to enjoy, because I will, but it just won’t be me sitting around doing nothing. I have a VLPA to take and work to be at. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to summer, even more so since grades came out a few days ago.
Now, I must say that I am a little surprised with what I got for grades. I mean, some were higher than expected (INFO 380) and some were right about what I thought they would be (INFO 340/310). But, the thing that threw me off was that I got credit for my FIG Training class. I didn’t expect this because I hardly every made that class (like 3 times w/ 2 weeks off) because of my crazy schedule from the past quarter. When I saw that I got credit, I was pretty stoked.
Also, in other school related news… I won the Henry Scholarship that was open to all continuing Informatics majors. So, I get a $1,500 credit to my Autumn tuition. That should be nice to have since I have out of state tuition. I was pretty excited to win this and it took me off guard a few days ago when I got notice that I had won it.
Really, I’m pretty pleased on how I did in classes last year. My cumulative GPA rose to almost a 3.6 and I made the Annual Dean’s List for the second time. I can only hope that I can keep it up next year and end strong.
Can She Take a Shot?
Last night was Darrin’s 22nd birthday and to celebrate we went to Red Robin for dinner then headed back to his place to place cards. The rule that we had was as follows: If you get out, you take a shot. Or, if you are shady like Sean and try to bet with the button you have to take one anyways. So, once Jamie got out it was her turn and this animated GIF is what occured. Now, keep in mind that what is in that glass is peach juice with a drop of vodka. Yeah, a drop. Refresh to see the GIF animate again. The last frame is the best.
Blog Stats
I was bored at work today and I created a stats page about the various posts here on my blog. I added the following stats:
- Recent Posts
- Recent Comments
- Most Commented Posts
- Total Posts
- Total Comments
- Total Words (Posts)
- Total Words (Comments)
So, take a look. I think that the stats are interesting, but that is just me. Also, if there is something that you think would be interesting on my site, let me know.
Biking Excursion
Today Jamie, Anthony, and I made the trip from the U-District all the way to the Redmond Town Center. We took the Burke Gilman Trail for the 20 mile trek. That distance is only one way. Our total trip distance was 40 miles!
I have not biked in a long time and it was nice to get back out on the trail again. It is different than biking in Minnesota, but nonetheless it was a really good time. It was cool to get out, bike, and enjoy the weather. The ride was longer than I had expected and I am hurting all over right now, but it was way fun. I am sure that we will do this more in the future. I’m off to watch a movie right now, but I leave you with some pictures from the day.
Continue reading “Biking Excursion”
iSchool Convocation 2004
Tonight I had the privilege to present the Monolith Award for Excellence in Informatics at the 2004 iSchool Convocation. It was in interesting experience to partake in. I had the pleasure to talk to the faculty on a non-academic basis and to maintain and build the current relationships that I have with them. It was also a good time to network for the upcoming school year for IUGA. That sounds very self serving for what my real purpose was that night, but it was true. Their reaction was that they were glad and happy to see me involved in this ceremony. I was glad that I could be apart of it. For a minute there I was just hoping that I would make it on time. I missed all three of my buses to campus and I had to walk 25min from my place to Meany Hall. But, I made it on time.
The ceremony was unlike others that I have been to… it was short! Man, this was different for me. When it was over and I was on the recession with the faculty, I was thinking, woah it’s over?! But, the ceremony was done very well. Funny thing was that after it was over talks were already brewing on how next year’s was going to go. In a year I will find out.
But, I was glad that I could attend this year’s convocation and take part in the ceremony. I knew like 5% of the total graduates, but to be on stage and to see the looks on all of their faces when they graduated was something that makes me anxious to graduate and savor the moment like they did that night. It also made me think about how much I am going to miss all of this when I am gone. I never thought that I would, but this is the year to savor out of all of them and I plan to make the most of it.
However the quote from the night has to go to Dr. Green. This was before our processional into Meany Hall, and I quote, “Man where is pimp and circumstance?” Music Begins. “Hells yeah!” *INSERT BEATBOX HERE*
Oh, Dr. Green…
Pre/Post Final Gatherings
Finals are now all over and there have been two gatherings of the INFO crew that are worth posting about. Both events, Booze Cruise and Post Finals Funk @ Kat’s, were way fun and I have the pictures to prove it. Well, I think I’ll let the pictures do the talking…
Continue reading “Pre/Post Final Gatherings”