Condo: Shop Till’ You Drop

For the past few days I have been shopping for furniture and other things that are needed to furnish the condo. The days have been long and the shopping requires a lot of decision making, which I hate. But, it is all over now and I am pleased with what we got accomplished.

We are hoping to have the condo fully furnished (stuff delivered and setup) between July 1st and July 10th. But, we’ll see how that comes along. I know that some of you are interested in seeing it, but you will have it wait while we clean it up a bit. You all will get your chance, in due time, to see what my new pad looks like.

However, until you have that chance, you can live vicariously though this blog and my truly verbose definitions on how it looks. /me *snickers* Anywho, I am excited because bought a new bass amplifier. Now I can play my basses again! Horray! (I have a Fender fretted Jazz bass and a Carvin fretless) So, if you are interested in playing along with me sometime, let me know. I am always looking for someone to play with. Also, this means we can begin on the much anticipated release of our CD called ‘Yaptinology’. But, more about that later ;)

Oh man, I am typing this post while laying in one of the Heavenly Beds at the Seattle Westin. So… Hard… To… Stay… Awake… zzz

Listening To: Dave Matthews Band – Everyday
Currently Feeling: Sleepy b/c of sweet bed

Week in Review 5/30 – 6/5

I am taking a break from studying at work to write about my last week or lack there of. The studying that I am doing right now is definitely not as exciting as my last week was. *snicker* But, I’ll leave that decision up to you.

The beginning of the week was spent in the TE Lab working on our History Places project. The nights were long and I was just getting burnt out when it came to Wednesday. However, we were almost there and that gave me hope that there was something better to look forward to, and there was. The end of the week brought the end of the quarterand was quite relaxing. This night was topped off by the Booze Cruise on and then hanging out with my Mom and Jamie Saturday night.

This week was really a work week, as can be seen by my calendar, with relief at the end of it. I am glad that it is over and once I have the time I’ll have a post and some pictures to post up from the Booze Cruise and my look back on the last year in school. But, those will probably have to wait until later this week once all of the shopping is completed and my Mom has headed back to Minnesota. So, until the time to post comes again…

Current Feeling: Nervous, but excited
Next Up: INFO 340 Final @ 2:30

Harry Potter 3

Last night was the midnight showing of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban with the crew from Stevens Court. We saw the movie at the Majestic Bay Theatre in Ballard. This movie theatre has to be one of the nicest in the Seattle area. What made me enjoy it even more was when the owner came into the theatre before the movie was shown and personally welcomed us to his theatre and spoke about its history. It is personal attention like that which makes me want to go back to a place like the Majestic Bay. So, last night was spent at a kickin’ theatre watching a kickin’ movie.
Continue reading “Harry Potter 3”

Spring Quarter Ends

Today the academic year is over for me. I handed in my last assignment for INFO 310 and then it was all over. This year was probably my best year by far at UW. I have meet some really cool people, took some sweet classes, and created some memories that I am not soon to forget. There is so much good stuff to talk about I might just have to make an epic post in a week or so to sum it all up. Until then I have Harry Potter to see tonight, work to attend to, a condo to furnish, and one final to take.

Current Location: Micro Lab

Almost There

Late nights in the lab are starting to take their toll on me. I have never spent so much time in the TE Lab working on projects. It is something new for me and I just am not used to leaving things to the last minute like I am now. But, things always seem to get done and I shouldn’t worry about it. But, it is hard for me to not worry about it. *sigh* Oh, well… The quarter is close to being over and all that is left is a 3 page paper in 310 and our 340 final on Monday. The end is so close I can taste it. Maybe tonight I’ll get some good sleep. I can only hope.

Current Feeling: Tired

What is Informatics?

Well, this question has been asked recently and I always answer “It is human centered technology.” That response usually will suffice for the temporary conversation, but if they asked a follow-up to that question, what would I say? My friend Aaron summed it up pretty well in this post on his blog.

To me, I guess Informatics is more than just technology. That idea was something that drew me to this major. I liked the aspect that what I was working on had a direct effect on the people using it. Also, the fact that it wasn’t CSE or IS was an added bonus. I really like the program that I am in. I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I mean, look at the blogs that I read. Most of them are of the Informatics people. They are by far some of the coolest people that I have meet during my time @ UW. This makes me enjoy the major that much more.

Really, I am dry on a description on what Informatics means. I can think about what it means in my mind, but to put it into words is something that I don’t know if I can do. So, we’ll leave this for another day.

However, one theme that Aaron pointed out was that, “My classmates are very bright people who could tell you the advantages of applying Kuhlthau’s Model of Information Search Behavior to a particular User Group, but couldn’t code themselves out of a paper bag.” That can sum up the programming abilities of some on our major. But, hey, what can you expect? We are Informatics not CSE.

Week in review 5/23 – 5/29

Well, since I last left you, quite a bit has happened over the past week. The week has ended on a relaxing note with the knowledge that there is still work to be done, but knowing that the peak has been reached and now it is all about pacing myself on my way back down is something that I can handle.

This week was definitely a work week. Our 380 proposal needed to be revised and edited in time so that it was in the best condition that it could be in when it was due on Thursday. Only a few late nights was spent on getting it in top form, but those nights were reminiscent of many that I had during my Freshman year. It was the couple nights that made me realize how much a value my sleep.

I could go on and on about 380 or the 380 presentation, but I won’t. The week is over and I am glad that it is. Now the time has come to move onto the last large deliverable of the quarter for 340, preparing to move into the condo, and somewhere in between all of that I will find time to relax, like I did last night with Trotter. In either case the worst is over and the rest will seem much easier from here on out.

Current Feeling: Relaxed
Good Thing of the Week: Being done with 380
Fact of the Week: On average 1,200 WWII veterans die every day