As I stood in front of the class time seemed to move too slow. The second hand on the clock looked as if it was slowing down to spite me and cause more anxiety. Then, the hands struck 9:30am and it was time to begin.
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In a 380 class far, far, away…
I was an Informatics student enrolled in a systems analysis class. I thought this class that was supposed to be taught by a professor. However, this professor did not teach. He had a grading rubric that was never disclosed to the class. He kept the class in the dark about what he expected from his students and then he graded as if they knew what he wanted. This caused a stirring response from his students. Many were in dismay when deliverables were returned to them. They were thinking, “Why is it graded like this?” His response was, “Didn’t you just know? Well you should.” Of course we did not know, that is why we didn’t complete the assignment how you desired. On top of the lack of solid grading procedures, the dates that assignments were due were very hazy to the students. This created some tension between the students and their professor.
When steps were taken to clear the haze of the due dates only more confusion arose. No emails were responded to. Phone calls were left un-answered. This only added to the confusion of the students in this class. In a twist of fate, the professor parted the haze of due dates and provied a solid layout of the due dates for the class. This eased the tension between the students and their professor, but the students knew that there was a lot of work left to be completed.
As the quarter winded down the level of work increased along with the students stress level. However, once the presentations are completed and the system proposal is turned in, a burden is lifted from the students chests. It was now time for them to enjoy the summer and to forget about the hellish times that were found in this class.
But, we are not there yet. In one week this will be a reality. In the present, this is currently only a fantasy that is longing to be achieved.
Truckin’ Along
Man, I’m beat. I must sleep seeing that this week will be quite busy and long. I cannot say that I am looking forward tomorrow, or any day this week. But, I will be taking it a day at a time and rolling with the punches. Deflection is key in a week like this. You need to bounce, recover, and move on. If you don’t do this you will fall behind without the chance to make anything up.
The 380 proposal is shaping up quite well and it will be completed by tomorrow night or early Wednesday morning. It just all depends at this point. I figure that after a 9 hour combined editing effort between Jamie and myself it is time to put it to rest for tonight. Tomorrow will bring another day of editing and lame work that I don’t want to do (F I G). It will get done, no doubts about that, I just don’t feel like working right now. Is chill time too much to ask?
I usually don’t make random posts like this anymore, but I am just so tired that I don’t know any better. So, I’ll let the time stamp do the talking since my bed is weeping as I have been neglecting it for the past 4 hours.
Current Feeling:Tired, but ready for what is next
Listening to: DMB Live @ Central Park
Week in Review 5/15 – 5/22
Well, what a week. It was a busy work week and there was quite a bit to do. But, at the same time there was a lot of time to just relax and enjoy the free time that I had. It’s strange how my weeks are so lopsided from the first half to the last. But, last week will be nothing compared to this upcoming week. That is O.K. though, each week has its own personality and for some reason this past week’s personality will be much nicer to me than this upcoming week’s.
Continue reading “Week in Review 5/15 – 5/22”
Slam Poetry
It didn’t matter what the content was. It didn’t matter where the venue was. It wasn’t about placing one person above another. It didn’t matter that some were better than others. It didn’t matter what my life had for me outside the club. Last night, it just didn’t matter.
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What do I want out of summer?
This summer I will be staying in Seattle to do one of the following:
- Take summer school and take it easy
- Pursue a recent opportunity towards an internship
I don’t really know what to do or to think about my upcoming summer. But, sadly, I need to start thinking about it now.
Continue reading “What do I want out of summer?”
Night of Troy
Went and saw Troy with the info crew on Saturday night. I mean, we only had to sit out 3 sold out showings of it until our 10pm showing. But, it was a good movie. Not knock your socks off like Gladiator was the first time you saw it (or every time in my case). But, it was a very good story. It makes me want to read up on the mythology of it this summer. I think that is one of the things to add onto the list of things that I want to do this summer. But, yeah… Good movie. I’m sure that I’ll end up purchasing the movie when it comes out. No night is complete without some pictures of the event of the night… or us screwing around in Starbucks. I mean, is there really a difference? I would like to think not.
Continue reading “Night of Troy”