This is Strange…

For some reason last night when working on my deliverable for 340 in the TE Lab I did not feel any pressure to get it done. I rarely ever have studying left to at last moment like I did last night. However, last night I was content with just getting what I could completed before it was due the next day. It was really strange for me. I also noticed that I have been really calm the past few days. I don’t know why that is. Have I finally hit the wall and just want a break? Maybe. But, in either case it is so nice to just be calm and to enjoy each day to the fullest.

Current Feeling: Content

Hrm, No Class? (Part 2)

Again no INFO 380 today. However, this time I made it all the way to class with Jamie to find out that it was canceled. This was because the internet was out at her place and I was going to check my email to check on what was new from overnight. Oh well. It ended out good though. Anthony, Rufino, CA, David, Jamie, and I went to IHOP for some breakfast since we didn’t have class. Now it’s time to prepare for the rest of the day and our INFO 310 Presentation that we give this afternoon. Until later…

**EDIT** We owned our 310 presentation!

Current Feeling: Clean

Getting Burnt Out

It has come to that time when the academic year is beginning to wind down and the level of attentiveness is falling rapidly. Classes are starting to pick up the workload and time is lacking to get all of these tasks done. Now, one look at my calendar and you will see that I have free time to use for my own personal use, but I just feel really busy in general. Tomorrow is a presentation for 310 (which will rock) and a draft of our systems proposal is due in 380 (is 96 pages enough?). Also, in addition to all of that I need to start on the 340 deliverable. So much to do and little motivation to do it.

My time is disappearing and I am getting burnt out quite quickly. I need a break from school and to just relax. I can’t wait for those two weeks off in June before summer classes begin. I am less than a month from the end of the year, but it is not coming soon enough. I know that next Tuesday I will have this large sigh of relief when this is all of this stuff is due and over with. But, until then, time seems to be ticking really, really slow. I know that things will be alright, I just need to take a step back and relax, breathe, and then move forward with what I need to do.

Current Thought: Be calm. Things will be alright.
Currently Attending: INFO 340 with Prof. David Hendry

Hrm, No Class?

Well, no INFO 380 this morning. Here’s how I found out.

Me: *Waiting for either 372/68 to go to campus* Bus shows up @ 9am, like always, and I file onboard the 68 with the rest of the Nordheim folks. I am standing on the bus and I feel my left leg vibrate. I am thinking, that’s odd, no one ever calls me this early in the morning. So, I pick up the phone.
Jamie: Did you get the email?
Me: What email?
Jamie: The one about 380 being cancelled.
Me: No, why?
Jamie: It’s cancelled! Where are you?
Me: That’s cool. I’m on the bus… and the door just closed. Ok, so, great.
Jamie: Well, just come over!!
Me: Ok, I’ll be there!!

That’s how I found out about it this morning. I usually make a point to check my email in the morning since the iSchool has that as their preferred method of information dissemination. But, I have this thing for packing my bag, like a 10 year old, the night before class so that I don’t forget anything. Well, I guess by me packing my laptop I didn’t think of checking my email. Then the question gets asked, why didn’t you check it on Outlook on your PC? Um, damn good question. I don’t really know. I just didn’t? I dunno. I guess that is a lesson learned.

Not having class was a good thing because I had a feeling that the Prof was going to flip out at the poor turnout for the transformation project that he had planned. I am sure that we will hear about it on Thursday, but that’s ok. I think I can handle it. Needless to say the day has started off good so far. Now I just need to get cracking on all the work that is due in the next week.

Lesson Learned: Check email before going to class!

What Was Once 89 Cents Is No More

On Saturday night on the way to Murphy’s in Wallingford I was on the bus with Jamie and I had made the observation that gas was really expensive. Now, this isn’t the same expensive I thought about when I was in high school. I thought gas prices of $1.20 to $1.50 was expensive. I have had no concept of how gas prices have risen over the past 3 years for a few reasons:

  1. I don’t have a car at school. Why worry about what gas costs when you don’t have a car?
  2. When I am home, I am ususally not there long enough to purchase a tank of gas
  3. I was driven to work by my mother all summer long *INSERT JOKE HERE*

I had no real need to know how much gas is costing. I know that there have been some issues with OPEC and the oil distributing nations not outputting as much as in the past, plus add on top of that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and I that will lead to a rise in petrol prices.

I guess the only real reason that I even post about this is the fact that I was taken off guard. To see gas prices in the $2+ range just blew my mind. Now, this is the west coast and I have noticed that the prices here are a little higher, not by much, than in the midwest. But, still, that is a lot to fill up a tank of gas. I thought $30-35 every 10 days was bad back in high school. Man, I am glad that I can take that $35 and have a UPass for an entire quarter to ride the Metro as much as I want.