Show Hierarchy

Place Name: University of Washington

Comment: The University of Washington has three campuses, Bothell, Tacoma, and Seattle
No Image Available!

Place Name: Seattle Campus

Comment: The Seattle campus of the University of Washington
No Image Available!

Place Name: Residence Halls

Comment: All of the residence halls that are operated by HFS
No Image Available!

Place Name: McMahon Hall

Comment: The home of 8!

Photo Info
Comment: This is a photo of McCarty Hall
Date Taken (YYYYY-MM-DD): 2001-02-22
Photographer: Unknown
Place Photo

Place Name: Dining Hall

Comment: The dining Hall of McMahon that serves all of North Campus
No Image Available!

Place Name: 8

Comment: The name of the dining hall in McMahon
No Image Available!

End of hierarchy! Create a New Place Here!

INFO 340: Database Management and Information Retrieval
History Places P3: Final Project
Completed for David Hendry on Wednesday, June 4, 2004
Assignment By: Ryan Prins (rprins at u dot washington dot edu) and D.T. Tran (dthtran at u dot washington dot edu)
Informatics, University of Washington - Spring Quarter 2004