<%@ page language="java" import="historyPlaces.*,java.util.*" %> <%@ include file="header.inc" %> <%-- Initialize DB --%> <% engine db = new engine(); String letter = ""; letter = request.getParameter("letter"); %> <h2>Place Directory</h2> <span style="font-size: 12px;"> <a href="./list.jsp?letter=A">A</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=B">B</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=C">C</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=D">D</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=E">E</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=F">F</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=G">G</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=H">H</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=I">I</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=J">J</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=K">K</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=L">L</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=M">M</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=N">N</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=O">O</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=P">P</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=Q">Q</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=R">R</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=S">S</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=T">T</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=U">U</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=V">V</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=W">W</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=X">X</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=Y">Y</a> | <a href="./list.jsp?letter=Z">Z</a> </span><br /> <hr style="border: 1px solid black;" /> <% if(letter == null){ /* No letter passed */ out.print("<h2>Please select a letter above to begin the listing</h2>"); }else{ /* Letter passed */ LinkedList myList = db.letteredList(letter); out.println("<span style=\"font-size: 12px\">"); if(myList.size() != 0){ for(int i = 0; i < myList.size(); i++){ place curPlace = (place)myList.get(i); out.print("» <strong>Place:</strong> " + curPlace.getPlaceName() + " [<a href=\"./create.jsp?parent=" + curPlace.getPlaceID() + "\">Pick as Parent</a>] [<a href=\"./hierarchy.jsp?pid=" + curPlace.getPlaceID() + "\">View in Hierarchy</a>]<br />"); } }else{ out.print("<strong>No Places Found for the Letter: " + letter + "</strong>"); } out.println("</span>"); out.println("<h3>Key</h3> <p><strong>Place:</strong> This is the name of the place.<br /><strong>Pick as Parent:</strong> Cliking this link will allow the user to create a place with this place as the parent.<br /><strong>View in Hierarchy:</strong> Cliking this link will allow the user to view the place in the hierarchy.</p>"); } %> <%@ include file="footer.inc" %>